A Guide To Understanding a Dog's Body Language

A Guide to Understanding a Dog’s Body Language

December 10, 2021

Table of Contents Types of Dog Body Language Profiles Facial Expressions Tail Positioning Deciphering Body Language Understand Your Dog’s Behavior With Off Leash K9 Training   Most of us are familiar with the more common ways dogs communicate. We recognize their barks, whines and growls. However, there is much more to understanding what your dog […]

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A Guide to Well-Behaved Dogs for New Dog Owners

October 20, 2021

Bringing a dog home for the first time is an exciting experience. Every new dog owner wants to ensure that their new pup is given the love, care and attention that they need to truly thrive in their new home. But being a first-time dog owner, much like the experience of being a new parent, […]

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Two dogs with their owners walking as a pack

Pack Walks

September 22, 2021

  *For Current Clients Only* It can be hard to socialize dogs in a safe way especially when working with reactive dogs. Here at Off Leash K9 Training Maryland we are introducing Pack Walks to help dogs have more positive experiences when in company of dogs. Walking within a pack can give your dog opportunities […]

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Essential Commands to Teach Your Dog

August 27, 2021

One of the great things about dogs is that they’re so smart. While it might not seem like your dog is a genius when they’re drooling or chasing their tail, dogs have an incredible ability to learn. These furry friends understand consequences and can respond to dozens of different verbal cues. All it takes is […]

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Is It Too Late to Train My Older Dog?

August 27, 2021

If you’ve chosen to adopt a dog, chances are he’s not quite a puppy anymore. Rescuing an adult dog is a rewarding and meaningful experience, but it does present unique challenges. You may be asking yourself, “Is my dog too old to train?” Despite popular belief, you can teach an old dog new tricks. If you’re […]

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New Puppy Checklist: Are You Ready for a Puppy?

April 30, 2021

Bringing home a new puppy is a big decision. Puppies are major commitments, and you don’t want to rush into owning one. Thousands of families adopt puppies every day because they bring so much joy and love into people’s lives. You may be wondering how to know if a puppy is right for you. Use […]

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How to Teach A Puppy to Stop Biting

How to Get My Puppy to Stop Biting

March 1, 2021

  Bringing a new puppy home is a joyful, memorable experience. It’s also a lot of work. Puppies are adorable little creatures who might seem determined to act up. They require a lot of attention and patience, much like toddlers. One of the most common puppy misbehaviors is nipping or biting, ranging from annoying to […]

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November 20, 2020

We hope that all is well and you are staying healthy. To keep you and all of our employees safe, we are following local health department recommendations and requiring that every employee and client be assessed for COVID-19 symptoms and risk factors each day before entering our facility. In the past 24 hours have you […]

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New puppy in a puppy training class

Training your new Puppy

July 17, 2017

So you just brought your new puppy home, now what?   You just came home with a fluffy little 8 week old puppy, and besides the basic food, bowls, and toys what else do you need. A TRAINER!!!! Find someone to get you started on basic commands of come, sit, down and to get your […]

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Dog standing outside a dog house

Raising a confident Dog

May 30, 2017

Raising a confident Dog Socialization and Desensitization   We want our dogs to grow up to be the happy and confident and not be “that dog” everyone avoids. You probably hear trainers and vets talking about these buzz words; socializing, desensitizing, etc… well at least I hope you are. These two things are very critical in […]

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